Sustainable Resilient Longmont is quickly becoming the hub for sustainability in and around Longmont! Since we came together in April 2014, we have:
- Formed a board of seven community leaders including expertise in marketing, energy efficiency, zero waste, environmental advocacy, K-12 education and nonprofit development.
- Established a website, mailing list, Facebook and Twitter presence.
- Formed a youth council that is designing the 1st Annual Youth of the Earth Festival.
- Partnered with Eco-Cycle to initiate a campaign to bring curbside composting to Longmont.
- Formed a team and made a successful call for the establishment of a Sustainability Plan and Carbon Goals for Longmont.
- Performed outreach with interactive activities at Rhythm on the River and participated in the Halloween Parade, and launched Green Drinks.
- Produced monthly public meetings with experts on Zero Waste and Climate Change, How to Communicate about Climate Change, CoHousing, and other important topics.
- Held the first annual Youth of the Earth day in Longmont, which was attended by over 1000 people. We look forward to the next one.