Here's a quick overview of the schedule, exhibitors, menu, prizes and sponsors. Print on 11x14 double sided or simply download and view.
Press Release (April 27, 2015)
Press Release for Xtreme Zero Waste Grant (February 17, 2015)
Youth of the Earth Festival: News Update (January 24, 2015)
Youth Invited to Register by Feb 28 to Showcase Environmental Art, Music and Projects at Longmont Earth Day Event (January 24, 2015)
Here's our main event poster for Earth Day Wednesday April 22. It has all the details and sponsor logos!
Check out this drawing by Youth of the Earth Council member Mireku! Print or email this simply elegant 8.5x11 flyer with more details on the back.
Youth booth registration ended Feb 28, 2015: (English & Spanish versions available)
Five Ways to Help Your Environment, Times-Call (April 18, 2015) Every Day Should Be Earth Day, Times-Call (April 18, 2015) Seven Things to Do to Celebrate Earth Day Around Denver, Westword (April 17, 2015) Letters to the Editor Daily Camera & Times-Call (April 14 & 17, 2015) Youth of the Earth Festival 2015, Longmont Compass (March 26, 2015)
Saving the Planet Requires a Revolution, Andrea Neville Boulder Weekly: BoulderGanic (March 26, 2015) Colorado Renewable Energy Society Clips Newsletter (March 2015) Longmont Compass: Sustainable Revolution Longmont (February 27, 2015) Interview with Steve Miller: Sarah Burton and Laurie Dameron, KGNU (February 23, 2015) Sustainable Revolution Longmont Awarded Grant Longmont Compass (February 23, 2015) Sustainable Revolution Longmont to Host Youth of the Earth Festival, Times-Call (January 20, 2015) EVENT OVERVIEW
Blurb for Calendars/Newsletters
Youth of the Earth Festival Wednesday, April 22, 2015 4 pm to 7 pm Indoors at the Boulder County Fairgrounds Exhibit Building 9595 Nelson Road, Longmont CO 80501 FREE Earth Day Festival ● Games ● Prizes ● Climbing Wall Youth Eco Art, Music and Projects ● Summer Camp Preview Fun for All Ages ● Healthy Food
Download the free mobile web app prior to the event for all the details. http://bitly.com/1b413sZ Information: E-mail [email protected] or www.SRLongmont.org Post to social media with #YouthEarthDay Upcoming events: May 9, 1 - 4 pm, Volunteer Picnic at Willow Farm Barn Park, Longmont May 20, 7:30 - 9 am, Festival Wrap Up and Exploratory Meeting for Earth Day 2016 and ongoing Youth of the Earth Council, Safety & Justice Center, 2225 Kimbark, Longmont The event will be posted to these places in the next few weeks: KGNU, Visit Longmont. Org, Times Call, SRL Meetup calendar, Boulder Weekly, CU Environmental Center calendar, Daily Camera, Denver Post, Westword, WhoFish, Colorado Parent's Magazine See something we missed? Have a great idea? Don't hesitate to post things yourself or reach out to Event Coordinator Alexis Bullen, [email protected] |