2024 Longmont Sustainability Awards
Saturday, November 2nd, 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Residence Inn, 1450 Dry Creek Drive, Longmont
The Longmont Sustainability Awards celebrate the important work being done in our community to make Longmont a more sustainable, thriving city. Your tickets include locally sourced buffet meal, beverage of choice, silent auction, Awards program and live music.
2024 Award Recipients
Volunteer of the Year: Susan Legler
Public Servant of the Year: Francie Jaffe
Sustainable Business of the Year: Simply Bulk Market
Zero Waste Champion: Nicole Manesh
Renewable Energy Pioneer: Elliot Freeman
Our theme this year is Sustainable Agriculture and we are excited to host local farmers Mark and Kena Guttridge from Ollin Farms as our keynote speakers, and provide a locally-sourced dinner from FED (Farm Eats Direct).
Click HERE for full event details and tickets!
Our fundraising silent auction is LIVE! Browse our catalogue of fabulous gifts and experiences, log in to start bidding, and download the mobile app for live updates.
All proceeds benefit SRL's mission to create a more sustainable future for Longmont.
Saturday, November 2nd, 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Residence Inn, 1450 Dry Creek Drive, Longmont
The Longmont Sustainability Awards celebrate the important work being done in our community to make Longmont a more sustainable, thriving city. Your tickets include locally sourced buffet meal, beverage of choice, silent auction, Awards program and live music.
2024 Award Recipients
Volunteer of the Year: Susan Legler
Public Servant of the Year: Francie Jaffe
Sustainable Business of the Year: Simply Bulk Market
Zero Waste Champion: Nicole Manesh
Renewable Energy Pioneer: Elliot Freeman
Our theme this year is Sustainable Agriculture and we are excited to host local farmers Mark and Kena Guttridge from Ollin Farms as our keynote speakers, and provide a locally-sourced dinner from FED (Farm Eats Direct).
Click HERE for full event details and tickets!
Our fundraising silent auction is LIVE! Browse our catalogue of fabulous gifts and experiences, log in to start bidding, and download the mobile app for live updates.
All proceeds benefit SRL's mission to create a more sustainable future for Longmont.
Additional Upcoming Events
Check back soon for new events!
Ongoing Committee Meetings
- The Renewable Energy Committee meets monthly. For information on the next meeting please contact us.
- The Zero Waste Committee meets monthly. Contact us for more information or to get involved!
- The Earth Action Committee meets monthly. Contact us to get involved!
- The SRL Board of Directors meets monthly. Guests are welcome. Please contact us for more information.
Sunday, October 6, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
North Parking Lot, Boulder County Fairgrounds,
9595 Nelson Road, Longmont
North Parking Lot, Boulder County Fairgrounds,
9595 Nelson Road, Longmont
Learn more about our 2024 Electrify Longmont Fair HERE!
10th Annual Longmont Earth Day Celebration
Saturday, April 20th 2024, 10 AM - 3 PM
Timberline PK-8 School 233 E Mountain View Ave, Longmont, CO 80504
Our 10th Anniversary, Planet vs. Plastic-themed, FREE family-friendly event! Featuring: A live performance from Doctor Noize, Raptor Show from Rocky Mountain Raptor Program, Community Clean-Up in Centennial Park, Sustainable Fashion Show, Clothing Swap and Collection, All Ages Bike Ride, and MORE!
Saturday, April 20th 2024, 10 AM - 3 PM
Timberline PK-8 School 233 E Mountain View Ave, Longmont, CO 80504
Our 10th Anniversary, Planet vs. Plastic-themed, FREE family-friendly event! Featuring: A live performance from Doctor Noize, Raptor Show from Rocky Mountain Raptor Program, Community Clean-Up in Centennial Park, Sustainable Fashion Show, Clothing Swap and Collection, All Ages Bike Ride, and MORE!
2023 Longmont Sustainability Awards
Saturday, November 4th, 5:00 - 8:00 pm at Intercambio
The Longmont Sustainability Awards celebrate the important work being done in our community to make Longmont a more sustainable, thriving city.
2023 Award Recipients
Youth Environmental Leader: Shana Goodwin
Volunteer of the Year: Philip Zanoni
Public Servant of the Year: Stephanie Potter
Sustainable Business in Zero Waste: Green Girl Recycling
Sustainable Business in Renewable Energy: Elephant Energy
Featuring Key Note Speaker Sarah Thorne from the Colorado Energy Office and live music from Alex Wirth.
Saturday, November 4th, 5:00 - 8:00 pm at Intercambio
The Longmont Sustainability Awards celebrate the important work being done in our community to make Longmont a more sustainable, thriving city.
2023 Award Recipients
Youth Environmental Leader: Shana Goodwin
Volunteer of the Year: Philip Zanoni
Public Servant of the Year: Stephanie Potter
Sustainable Business in Zero Waste: Green Girl Recycling
Sustainable Business in Renewable Energy: Elephant Energy
Featuring Key Note Speaker Sarah Thorne from the Colorado Energy Office and live music from Alex Wirth.
Electrify Longmont 2023 was a FREE, fun and educational event featuring:
- Information on home electrification moving from gas to electric appliances
- Green building practices that utilize less toxic materials
- Information on installers that do green building practices and current rebates
- A variety of speakers and panels ~ see our impressive speaker bios below!
- Educational showcase with booths from environmental nonprofits and renewable energy partners
- Demos of Electric Bikes and Electric Vehicles, with owners on hand to answer questions
- Live Music
- Kids Activities
- Food Trucks and more!
Session 1 - The Big Picture: Earth & Environmental Crises
Tuesday, May 9 | 6:30-8:30 PM This interactive session will focus on mapping out the environmental challenges we face, globally & locally, and what initiatives are being used to address them. We will look at promising, actionable solutions from Project Drawdown, Pachamama Alliance and others, and explore what is happening locally. |
Session 2 - Taking Action Together
Tuesday, May 16 | 6:30-8:30 PM This session will guide you towards nature & environmental projects you can join, organizations to get involved with, and direct actions you can take as an individual. We will share a number of different paths you might take depending on your interests, capacities and skills. Starting in June, SRL will offer monthly meetups to provide support, inspiration, and community for those looking to engage more deeply. |
9th Annual Longmont Earth Day Celebration
Saturday, April 22nd 2023, 10 AM - 3 PM
Timberline PK-8 School 233 E Mountain View Ave, Longmont, CO 80504
Saturday, April 22nd 2023, 10 AM - 3 PM
Timberline PK-8 School 233 E Mountain View Ave, Longmont, CO 80504
Building Electrification Seminar
Thursday March 16th from 6:30 to 8:30 PM
Front Range Community College 2121 Miller Dr. Longmont 80501
Watch the recording HERE!
Thursday March 16th from 6:30 to 8:30 PM
Front Range Community College 2121 Miller Dr. Longmont 80501
Watch the recording HERE!
- November 5: Longmont Sustainability Awards
- October 22: Community Cleanup
- October 16: Climate Action Sunday - Watch Your Waste
- October 2: Longmont Electric Vehicle Fair
- September 18: Climate Action Sunday - The Air We Breathe
- September 17: Community Cleanup
- August 23: Electrify Longmont Building Electrification Workshop
- August 21: Community Cleanup
- July 30: Community Cleanup
- June 18: Community Cleanup
- May 22: Community Cleanup
- April 23: 8th Annual Longmont Earth Day Celebration + Clean Up Green Up
- March 20: Community Cleanup
- March 10: 100% Renewable: Pathways to Our Clean Energy Future (2022) (event video linked)
- November 6: Longmont Sustainability Awards
- October 23: Community Cleanup
- October 13: Longmont Sustainability Issues Candidate Forum (event video linked)
- October 3: Longmont Electric Vehicle Fair
- September 26: Clean Up Green Up
- August 28: Community Cleanup
- July 18: Community Cleanup
- June 26: Community Cleanup
- June 10: The Scoop on Poop and Other Unmentionables (webinar video linked)
- May 22: Community Cleanup
- April 25: Earth Week Community Cleanup
- April 24: We're In This Together: Equitable Climate Action in Longmont (event video linked)
- April 24: Trabajando juntos: acción climática equitativa en Longmont (event video linked)
- April 24: Longmont Earth Day Celebration: Youth and Teen Programming (event video linked)
- April 8: Grow Local: Home Gardening and Community Agriculture (webinar video linked)
- March 20: Community Cleanup
- March 18: 100% Renewable: Pathways to Our Clean Energy Future (2021) (event video linked)
- December 6: Holiday Gathering and Volunteer Appreciation
- October 17: Longmont Sustainability Awards (event video linked)
- October 4: City of Longmont Clean Up Green Up
- September 26: Longmont Electric Vehicle Motorcade (event video linked)
- September 24: The EV Solution: How Electric Vehicles combat climate change while promoting affordability and equity (event video linked)
- September 2: Food Preservation: Tips & Tricks for a Zero Waste Kitchen (webinar video linked)
- July 28: Living a Zero Waste Lifestyle in the Time of COVID (webinar video linked)
- June 17 : Food Waste and the Climate Connection (webinar video linked)
- April 22: Earth Day Webinar: Youth Voices on Climate Action (event video linked)
- March 11: Earth Day Fundraiser at Chipotle
- February 19: Climate & Energy 2020: Building a Sustainable Future with Renewables: (event video linked)
- January 16: What is In Our Air? The Path to Clean Air in Longmont
- December 14: Parade of Lights Float
- December 5: SRL Holiday Gathering
- October 26: Longmont Sustainability Awards
- October 9: Longmont Climate & Sustainability Candidate Forum
- September 15: Longmont Electric Vehicle Fair
- June 27: Longmont Summer Community Clean Up
- May 11: Longmont Community Clean Up
- April 22: Pints for the Planet
- April 20: Longmont Earth Day Celebration
- April 18: Climate Sustainability Roundtable
- March 18: Getting There Together: Achieving Longmont's Renewable Energy Future
- March 14: Let's Talk Trash: Reducing your plastic footprint
- January 16: Happening Film Night
- November 15: Decarbonize Your Home
- October 27: Sky Pilot Farm Tour
- October 18: Beer with the Board
- September 22: Longmont Sustainability Awards
- July 30: Rethinking the Future of Energy
- June 26: Boulder County Recycling Center Tour
- April 21: Earth Day Celebration at the Longmont Museum
- March 28: Saving Snow Film Night
- February 8: Sustainability Issues Forum: Ward 1 Special Election
- Longmont Earth Day Celebration
- Renewable Energy Campaign Launch Party
- Sustainability Issues Candidate Forum
- Fall Fundraiser